
Storage Solutions. Mobility & Sports Accessories. Clever Hanging Devices.

Jenton International, is the UK distributor for this innovative and ingenious range of multi-purpose tool holders, designed as an aid for the disabled and elderly, by instantly solving the problem of holding walking sticks and other support aids securely, while at the same time, providing easy secure access and storage.

This unique concept has proven, however, to have a usefulness and function that extends well beyond the scope of its original design.

Toolflex, as illustrated below, is a versatile “gadget”  with numerous applications for everyday life. Not only does it provide comfort and security for the disabled, but it also offers a solution for most common storage problems. 

Tooflex Specifications

Toolflex for Rehab

Toolflex toolholders make everyday living easier for people with limited mobility. They are available in two sizes and fit both round and angular handles.

Toolflex for rehab

Toolflex for rehab

Toolflex for the Garden

System Toolflex is a flexible series of handle and tool holders for the tool shed, garage, hobby room, cleaning cupboard, etc. The gripper is made from flexible EPDM rubber that grasps the tool with a simple push of the hand. Tools and handles stay safely in place and within easy reach with System Toolflex.

Toolflex for the garden

Toolflex for garden

Toolflex for Cleaning

System Toolflex is a series of tool holders, an obvious accessory for cleaning carts, cleaning cupboards, tool carts and more.

Toolflex for cleaning

Toolflex for cleaning

Toolflex for Sport

Adaptable and flexible the Toolflex solution enables you to keep your sports equipment organised.

Toolflex for sport